🔥DODS Major Update: Heraldry System Launches This Thursday!

Each step was fraught with tension, as unseen dangers lurked in the shadows.🥶 Stealthily, you and your dragon navigated hidden paths, the surroundings growing increasingly desolate and war-torn… ✨But fear not — the Heraldry System is here to guide you through the darkness.

Dive into our major update this month, where every detail awaits your discovery.👇

📌The Heraldry System

A brand-new growth gameplay system, Heraldry possesses powerful attributes and special abilities that help players defeat enemies more easily. Players can collect various Heraldry and corresponding cultivation items in the game, and use these items to cultivate the Heraldry to boost its full potential.

📌Nightmare Realm Gameplay

A new gameplay instance where players must defeat a specified number of enemies within a set time and then defeat the final BOSS to achieve challenge victory.

Players can freely choose the challenge difficulty. The higher the chosen difficulty, the stronger the enemies in the challenge gameplay. At the same time, the higher the difficulty completed, the more rewards and challenge points earned.

This gameplay is a joint challenge for all players in the server, and rankings are based on the challenge points of all players in the server.

📌Heraldry Treasury Event

A lottery event associated with the Heraldry system, where players first select rewards to match the prize pool, then draw rewards from their selected pool. Completing event tasks and interacting with friends can earn lottery items.

📌Ancient Dragon Coat of Arms

An event to motivate players to cultivate their Heraldry. They can earn a huge amount of rewards by upgrading their Heraldry during this event.

📌Chao Secret Realm

A challenge event for the Nightmare Realm gameplay, where players challenge the Nightmare Realm during the event period, earn challenge points to meet the standard, and receive corresponding rewards, encouraging players to participate in Nightmare Realm challenges.

Get Dusk of Dragons: Survivors

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